Leader of
WP 1
Miguel A. Pérez. Electrical Engineer with a Master in Microelectronics Applications. With more than 30 years of experience in research, he develops his activity in control and automation technologies, sensorisation and monitoring of machines and processes and in machine vision applications. In recent years, he has specialised in conventional and collaborative industrial robotics, applying them to both industrial and research projects. In this line he participates or has participated in projects related to robotic inspection with machine vision, position control, integration of robots in conventional processes for machine trajectories tracking and in loading and unloading (bin-picking) and parts handling operations that integrate 2D and 3D machine vision.
Leader of
WP 2
Andreas Kuhnle is a researcher of production system planning and control methods at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Department of Production Science (wbk). He is a specialist on various quantitative optimization techniques applied in different industry applications, ranging from the automotive to the semiconductor industry. The latest research focuses on the application of reinforcement learning methods for order dispatching in complex job shop environments. In addition, the application of Industry 4.0 technologies and roadmapping the digitalization are another fields of research activities.
After graduate degrees in industrial engineering and mechanical engineering, he has been researching at the wbk Institute of Production Engineering at KIT since 2016. During that time he has been researching at the University of Edinburgh and MIT Sloan School of Management. Shortly afterwards he took over the management of the research group Production System Planning. In the meantime he finished his PhD with focus on reinforcement learning applications. In addition to his involvement in the DIGIMAN4.0 project, since 2019 he has been coordinating EU projects such as Digiprime (Digital Platform for Circular Economy in Cross-sectorial Sustainable Value Networks) and several national collaborative research projects.
Leader of
WP 3
Matteo is a Researcher at the Technical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Section of Manufacturing Engineering. The scientific work cover precision manufacturing for final polymer micro and nano structures replication, process chain characterization and calibration for advance manufacturing through surfaces and dimensional metrology, design and product development oriented to industrial production. In this context, current research activities focus on digital integration of existing process chain steps within precision engineering manufacture.
Along with research into precision manufacturing, he is Innovation Manager for the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEK), Technical University of Denmark, with activities related to commercialization of IP, coordination of the innovation activities at the department and implementation of DTU strategy for innovation with focus on establishing new framework for collaboration.
He experienced project technical coordination and management tasks in large EU projects FP7 HINMICO (2014-2016), H2020 Marie-Curie MICROMAN (2015-2019), H2020 ProSurf (2016-2020), Eurostar AcuPlast (2019- Current).
Leader of
WP 4

Marcello Colledani is Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Politecnico di Milano since 2014.
He graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 2003 at Politecnico di Milano and in 2007 he received his Phd cum laude in Manufacturing Technology and Production Systems from Politecnico di Milano.
In 2008-2009 he spent 1 year as a visiting professor at the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity LMP of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT in US, carrying on research activity
in collaboration with Prof. Stanley Gershwin. Since 2013 he is Research Associate of the Institute of Industrial Technology and Automation of the CNR (ITIA-CNR).
His main research interests include the following areas: (i) Modelling, performance evaluation, design and reconfiguration of complex, evolving manufacturing systems; (ii) Modelling and design of de-and remanufacturing technologies and systems for the circular economy. Prof. Colledani is responsible for the “Mechanical Recycling Cell” that is one of the three divisions of the “Mechatronics De-manufacturing Pilot Plant” that was installed at ITIA-CNR in 2013. Since 2018, Prof. Colledani has the scientific responsibility of the Inter-departmental Laboratory “CIRC-eV: Circular Factory for the Electrified Vehicles of the Future” involving 7 Departments at Politecnico di Milano and focused on new technological solutions for testing, disassembly, and re-assembly of Li-Ion batteries from electrified vehicles of the future, in view of their second use in stationary applications. He is author of more than 100 papers in international journal, books and conferences, of which 50 in international journals or books.
He is Member of the Italian Association for Manufacturing Technology (AITEM), Associate Member of the CIRP - International Academy for Production Engineering, Affiliate Member of IFAC, International Federation of Automatic Control, and Founding member of the European Cluster “4ZDM - Zero Defect Manufacturing”, EC DG RTD.
Leader of
WP 5
José A. Yagüe-Fabra is an Associate Professor (accredited for Full Professor) at the Department of Design and Manufacturing Engineering and the current Dean of the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA) of the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR), School with around 5000 students and 600 faculty members.
His research work is focused on dimensional metrology, precision engineering, quality control, measurement science and technology, manufacturing optimization and automatization and lean production systems, with more than 100 papers published in international referred journals and conferences.
He is a member of the Manufacturing Engineering and Advanced Metrology Group (GIFMA), of the Aragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) and Associate Member of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP).
He has been a visiting researcher or lecturer at WZL-RWTH (Germany), TU Graz (Austria), DTU (Denmark), VGU (Vietnam) and UNCC (USA).
Leader of
WP 6

Gualtiero Fantoni is Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical, Nuclear and Production Engineering of the University of Pisa (Italy). He holds a PhD in the field of Robotics, Automation and Bioengineering from the University of Pisa (2004).
Gualtiero Fantoni’s main research interests are in the field of advanced production technologies and their applications, design engineering, micro assembly and manufacturing, development of grippers and feeders, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things. Fantoni is involved in two spin-off companies – one working with technical texts analysis and the other with Industry 4.0 data acquisition from industrial machines (Internet of Things). He is author of more than 200 peer-reviewed publications, including scientific journal articles, international conferences contributions, books and book chapters, and he is listed as inventor in several patents. He is Member of the Italian Association for Manufacturing Technology (AITEM) and Associate Member of the CIRP - International Academy for Production Engineering.
Leader of
WP 7

Guido Tosello, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Technical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Section of Manufacturing Engineering. He is senior lecturer, research manager, scientific project supervisor, industrial and management consultant. Guido's principal research interests are the analysis, characterization, monitoring, control, optimization and simulation of precision moulding processes at micro/nano scales of thermoplastic materials. Technologies supporting precision/micro/nano moulding processes are of research interest: advanced process chain for micro/nano tools manufacturing, injection moulding simulation, additive manufacturing, micro/nano metrology, calibration and uncertainty, statistical process control, design of experiment, polymer characterization, design and manufacture of 3D precision/micro components and micro/nano structured surfaces, multi-material and µ-insert moulding.
Guido Tosello is the recipient of the "Technical University of Denmark Best PhD Research Work 2008 Prize" for his PhD thesis “Precision Moulding of Polymer Micro Components”, of the 2012 Alan Glanvill Award by The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) (UK), given as recognition for research of particular merit in the field of polymeric materials, of the Young Research Award 2014 from the Polymer Processing Society (USA) in recognition of scientific achievements and research excellence in polymer processing within 6 years from PhD graduation, and of the Outstanding Reviewer Award 2016 of the Institute of Physics (UK) for his contribution to the Journal of Microengineering and Micromechanics. He has edited the book “Micro Injection Molding” published by Carl Hanser Verlag in 2018 and published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers in international scientific journals.
Guido Tosello is Associate Member of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) where he is Secretary of the Scientific Technical Committee on “Surfaces” (2020-2023), member of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), member of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nano Technology (euspen), member of the 4M Association (Multi-Material Micro Manufacturing), member of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS), member of the Steering Committee on Polymer Processing of the Danish Society for Production Engineering (ATV-SEMAPP).
Guido Tosello is currently the Project Coordinator of the Horizon2020 European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network DIGIMAN4.0 “DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production” (2019-2022) and was the project coordinator of the H2020 MSCA ITN MICROMAN “Process Fingerprint for Zero-defect Net-shape MICROMANufacturing” from 2015 to 2019.
He has been research manager and steering committee member of the large integrated European FP7 projects 4M NoE (2006-2012), COTECH (2008-2012), HI-MICRO (2012-2015), HINMICO (2013-2016), PAM^2 (2016-2020). Guido holds an Executive MBA – MMT (Master in Management of Technology) from the Technical University of Denmark Executive School of Business.