Objectives – Training platform establishment to ensure the integration of state-of-the-art research activities and infrastructures with personal/professional development of the ESRs. WP5 leader (UNIZAR) will chair the “ESR Projects Supervision Committee” composed by the main supervisors of all ESR projects. Dedicated meetings of the Committee will be organized during DIGIMAN 4.0 project meetings.
Description of Work and Role of Partners
Task 5.1 Personal career development plans (Lead: UNIZAR, Participants: DTU, KIT, UNIZAR, TEK, POLIMI, UNIPI)
Establishment of Personal Career Development Plans at the beginning of the ESR projects to establish the optimal professional profile suitable for employment readiness.
Task 5.2 Research-based training (Lead: UNIPI, Participants: DTU, KIT, UNIZAR, TEK, POLIMI, UNIPI)
Management and progress monitoring of the research-based training in the different ESR projects. The research-based training aim is the achievement of the PhD degree.
Task 5.3 Training through secondments (Lead: TEK, Participants: DTU, KIT, UNIZAR, TEK, POLIMI, UNIPI)
Management and progress monitoring of secondments of ESR at DIGIMAN 4.0 industrial partners. This will ensure the optimal exposure of ESR to different research and professional environments.
Task 5.4 Workshops and network-wide training events (Lead: DTU, Participants: DTU, KIT, UNIZAR, TEK, POLIMI, UNIPI)
Hands-on workshops, network-wide training events and summer schools will ensure the multi-disciplinary training of all ESR.
The overall training programme will form the basis of the “DIGIMAN 4.0 European Micro Manufacturing Academy”, in which each ESR will be recognized as “Certified Digital Manufacturing Doctorate Engineer “ upon completion of the entire DIGIMAN 4.0 training programme.
The ESR will participate to the Euspen Challenge, and to the DIGIMAN 4.0 Conference. Complete list of events is given is section 1.2.1 and Table 1.2 b.
Task 5.5 Professional, Leadership and Complementary training programmes (Lead: POLIMI, Participants: DTU, KIT, UNIZAR, TEK, POLIMI, UNIPI)
Additional PhD courses and professional development training courses are offered at all beneficiary institutions. They will be available to all DIGIMAN 4.0 ESR targeting both advanced scientific training as well as professional and leadership skills.