Objectives – WP7 will focus on the administrative tasks and financial issues in the DIGIMAN 4.0 project, including project planning and risk management, ESR recruiting process supervision, coordination of actions and monitoring activities, and partners communication to ensure the achievement of project goals within the given time and resources.
Description of Work and Role of Partners
Task 7.1 Project meetings organizations (DTU)
Organise the ESR Projects Supervision Committee, Recruitment Committee and Scientific Committee Meetings (agenda, meeting minutes). Ensure effective follow-up and supervise execution of list of actions.
Task 7.2 Recruiting process supervision (DTU)
Supervision of the recruiting process monitoring timing, gender issues and fairness of the procedure. Ensure all Researcher Declarations on Conformity are submitted to the Participant Portal.
Task 7.3 Overall DIGIMAN 4.0 project management (DTU)
Technical management of the project. Supervision of the scientific and technological developments in the project, monitoring of actual progress, benchmark against the technical objectives as defined in section 1.1.1. Collection, review and submission of project deliverables to the EC.
Task 7.4 Financial management of the project (DTU)