Objectives - The main objective of WP2 is the development of the different precision manufacturing process technologies of the different ESR projects. Each ESR will carry out extensive research activity for the scientific understanding, analysis, control and optimization of the different technologies in order to meet the process and product requirements specified in WP1. In WP2, process monitoring and data-driven quality control techniques will be employed for the research. WP2 is divided in three Tasks, depending on the technology related to the different ESR projects.

Description of Work and Role of Partners

Task 2.1 Material processing precision manufacturing: analysis, optimization, development (Lead: DTU, Participants: DTU, TEK, POLIMI)

In Task 2.1, the ESRs will apply experimental and numerical methods, as well as statistical and metrological methods to perform the analysis, optimization, and development of material processing precision manufacturing.

Task 2.2 Robotics and Assembly: analysis, optimization, development (Lead: UNIPI, Participants: UNIPI, KIT, TEK, POLIMI, UNIZAR)

In Task 2.2, the ESRs will apply experimental and numerical methods, as well as statistical and metrological methods to perform the analysis, optimization, and development of robotics and assembly processes.

Task 2.3 Supply chain and quality control processes: analysis, optimization, development (Lead: KIT, Participants: KIT, UNIZAR, DTU).

In Task 2.3, the ESRs will apply experimental and numerical methods, as well as statistical and metrological methods to perform the analysis, optimization, and development of supply chain and quality control processes.