Workshop C
Workshop C – Teaching & Learning, Student Supervision, PhD Project Management by DTU Mechanical Engineering in collaboration with DTU Learning Lab
- Learning (characteristics of students’ learning and different approaches towards learning) and Teaching (how to take characteristics of students’ learning into account in teaching, different teaching styles), constructive feedback to and from students, Student assessment (1/2 day)
- Students in Engineering Education, Learning Objectives and Course Planning – Content and Core Elements, from Micro (design of 1h lecture), to Meso (design of ½ day module), to Macro (design of a course), Teaching Portfolio (1 day)
- Project Student Supervision (roles, effective supervision, process and product mutual expectations, supervision tools, project description and memorandum of understanding) (1/2 day)
- PhD project management (methods and tools, self-management and supervisor management, perspectives, communication and expectations, active listening, feedback methods, collaboration agreement) (1 day)
- Project work on Industry 4.0 Digital Technology Teaching & Learning: design of a course, design of a MSc (1 day)
- Total workshop duration: 1 week (5 days)