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DIGIMAN4.0 publications:
“Study and Simulation of an Under-Actuated Smart Surface for Material Flow Handling”, Edoardo Bianchi, Oliver Jonas Jorg, Gualtiero Fantoni, Francisco Javier Brosed Dueso, José A. Yagüe Fabra, MDPI Applied Sciences, 2023, DOI:
“Applying Natural Language Processing in Manufacturing”, Louis Schäfer, Marvin Carl May, Gisela Lanza, Procedia CIRP, 2022, DOI:
“Scheduling Remanufacturing Activities for the Repair of Turbine Blades: An Approximate Branch and Bound Approach to Minimize a Risk Measure”, Lei Liu, Marcello Urgo, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, DOI:
“Ontology-Based Production Simulation with OntologySim”, Marvin Carl May, Lars Kiefer, Andreas Kuhnle, Gisela Lanza, Applied Sciences, 2022, DOI:
“Study of Augmented Reality Based Manufacturing for Further Integration of Quality Control 4.0: A Systematic Literature Review”, Phuang Thao ho, Jose Antonio Albajez, Jorge Santolaria, Jose A. Yagüe-Fabra, Applied Sciences, 2022, DOI:
“A Robust Scheduling Framework for Re-Manufacturing Activities of Turbine Blades”, Lei Liu, Marcello Urgo, Applied Sciences, 2022, DOI:
“Teaching Machine Learning in Learning Factories with Industry 4.0 Use-Cases”, Marvin Carl May, Maik Frenzer, Gisela Lanza, 2022 Conference on Learning Factories, DOI:
“Models to evaluate the performance of high-mix low-volume manual or semi-automatic assembly lines”, Adrian Miqueo, Marta Torralba, José A. Yagüe-Fabra, Procedia CIRP, 2022, DOI:
“Anomaly Detection in Float-Zone Crystal Growth of Silicon”, Tingting Chen, Guido Tosello, Nico Werner, Matteo Calaon, Procedia CIRP, 2022, DOI:
“Automated Derivation of Optimal Production Sequences from Product Data”, Louis Schäfer, Antonia Frank, Marvin Carl May, Gisela Lanza, Procedia CIRP, 2022, DOI:
“Design, development and test of a novel broach for long polypropylene tubes”, Oliver Jorg, Gualtiero Fantoni, Precision Engineering, 2021, DOI:
“Queue Length Forecasting in Complex Manufacturing Job Shops”, Marvin Carl May, Alexander Albers, Marc David Fischer, Florian Mayerhofer, Louis Schäfer, Gisela Lanza, Procedia CIRP, 2021, DOI:
“Multi-variate time-series for time constraint adherence prediction in complex job shops”, Marvin Carl May, Lukas Behnen, Andrea Holzer, Andreas Kuhnle, Gisela Lanza, Procedia CIRP, 2021, DOI:
“Design, Development and Testing of Feeding Grippers for Vegetable Plug Transplanters”, Oliver Jorg, Gualtiero Fantoni, AgriEngineering, 2021, DOI:
“Digital Twins in Industrial IoT: a survey of the state of the art and of relevant standards”, Marko Vuković; Daniele Mazzei; Stefano Chessa; Gualtiero Fantoni, IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, 2021, DOI:
"Fast development cycle for the design of industrial grippers", Oliver Jorg, Gualtiero Fantoni, Procedia CIRP 100:211-216, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.05.057
"Data analytics for time constraint adherence prediction in a semiconductor manufacturing use-case", Marvin Carl May, Sören Maucher, Andrea Holzer, Andreas Kuhnle, Gisela Lanza, Procedia CIRP 100:49-54, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.05.008
“Product Generation Module: Automated Production Planning for optimized workload and increased efficiency in Matrix Production Systems”, May, Marvin Carl; Schmidt, Simon; Kuhnle, Andreas; Stricker, Nicole; Lanza, Gisela. Procedia CIRP, Volume 96, 2021. DOI: 10.5445/ir/1000129695
"A survey on generative adversarial networks for imbalance problems in computer vision tasks", Vignesh Sampath, Iñaki Maurtua, Juan José Aguilar Martín, Aitor Gutierrez. Journal of Big Data volume 8, Article number: 27, 2021. DOI: 10.1186/s40537-021-00414-0
“Decentralized Multi-Agent Production Control through Economic Model Bidding for Matrix Production Systems” May, Marvin Carl; Kiefer, Lars; Kuhnle, Andreas; Stricker, Nicole; Lanza, Gisela. Procedia CIRP, Volume 96, 2021. DOI: 10.5445/ir/1000129694
"Lean Manual Assembly 4.0: A Systematic Review", Miqueo A, Torralba M, Yagüe-Fabra JA, SIMES-2020, DOI: 10.3390/app10238555
"Towards the integration of additively manufactured photopolymer dies in the polymer profile extrusion process chain", A. Turazza, A. Davoudinejad, D. B. Pedersen, M. Calaon, G. Tosello. Procedia CIRP, Volume 93, 2020, Pages 3-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.06.005
"Digital Production and Intelligent Production Control", M. C. May, A. Kuhnle, G. Lanza, Werkstattstechnik online 04/2020. DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000119555
“Pattern Recognition in Multivariate Time Series: Towards an Automated Event Detection Method for Smart Manufacturing Systems”, Vadim Kapp; Marvin Carl May; Gisela Lanza; Thorsten Wuest. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Vol 4, Issue 88, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/jmmp4030088
"Lean Manual Assembly 4.0: A Systematic Review", A. Miqueo, M. Torralba, J.A. Yagüe-Fabra. Applied Science 2020, 10(23), 8555. DOI: 10.3390/app10238555
"Metal Additive Manufacturing of Multi-Material Dental Strut Implants", M. Kain, V. K. Nadimpalli, A. Miqueo, M. C. May, J. A. Yagüe-Fabra, B. Häfner, D. B. Pedersen, M. Calaon & G. Tosello. Euspen Virtual Conference 2020. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4587184
"Dimensional Evaluation of Additive Manufactured Polymer Extrusion Dies Produced by Continuous Liquid Interface Production", A. Turazza, A. Davoudinejad, M. Calaon, D. B. Pedersen, G. Tosello. Euspen Virtual Conference 2020. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4587158
"Foresighted Digital Twin for situational Agent Selection in Production Control", M. C. May, L. Overbeck, M. Wurster, A. Kuhnle, G. Lanza. CIRP ICME ’20 Virtual Conference 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, 15 - 17 July 2020, Italy.
"Labour Productivity in Mixed-model Manual Assembly Changeovers", A. Miqueo, M. Torralba, J.A. Yagüe-Fabra. Journal of Young Investigators at I3A, Vol. 8, 2020. DOI: 10.26754/jjii3a.4916
“Precision Injection Moulding With Inserts Made Of Mortar Material”, K. Krüger, F. Regi, M. Calaon, D. B. Pedersen, G. Tosello, Proceedings of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology – Special Interest Group Meeting: Micro/Nano Manufacturing, 27-28 November 2019. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4587599